Creating Your First Django Application
Prior to sinking in and bathing in the joy of developing your first Django application, we might as well bask in understanding what Django, some important features of Django and why it is possible to consider that as a framework. Django is a high level python framework. It is robust, aids in rapide development of an application. The web framework was developed by in 2003, at the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper, by the web programmers Adrian Holovaty and Simon Willison.
Features of Django
Django uses the model View Template architectural pattern. In the layman’s language, Model refers to the data, View handles the logic and the template refers to the visual aspect of the application(This is similar to the model view controller by other application but slightly different. For other frameworks using the MVC pattern, the controller handles the logic not the view).
Django follows the philosophy batteries included where django tries to include as much possible as necessary to make the developers’ life easy.
- Django enables rapid development.
- Django is secure.
- It is scalable, maintainable and some how opinionated.
To create your first django application. Say a todo application:
- First create a folder.
- create and activate the virtual envionment.
- start the django project.
- Create and start the django application.
- The next steps we will walk ourselves through creating the database and the models.