My journey through the ALCwithGoogle3.0 Mobile Web Specialist (intermediate)Track

The excitement to partake in the mobile web specialist track was just, whoaa!!!, fantastic!!!. Having participated in a precious udacity scholarship programme, Introduction to Programming Nanodegree(IPND), I understood what it meant to be a participant of the training. The depth of the udacity teaching materials the methodology to make steep learning curves much bearable, the mentorship, the community, aimed at helping each other grow.
What exactly is the Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree Program about? This Nanodegree Program is an 8 week challenge sponsored by the Andela Learning Community and Google to enable developers become world class problem solvers. The course curriculum includes building offline applications, introducing service worker, indexDB and caching amongst others.
Participants have groups and teams to enable each person grow through the journey. Everyone is so much very helpful. It gives so much appreciation to . Giving shoutout to my other colleagues who are really ever so helpful in this journey(Yep, I’m not done still on the course material). Emeka Nwankwo, Precious Adeyinka, Belhassen Chelbi and there are more others also extremely helpful. Glad to be part of this journey! Hopefully, i’ll share my activities as I proceed on this journey on building web applications to work offline.

Meetup by the Ghanaian participants at the Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology on Friday(25th May, 2018)