Way behind in the Bertelsmann Data Science Challenge Scholarship Lessons
Anxiety can be quite crippling. It takes the ability out of you and crushes it to nothingness. Then the next moment you begin questioning yourself,”Am i still on track to getting this scholarship?”. We have experienced anxiety in many situations:
1. Prior Examinations
2. At work when responsible for delivering an unfamiliar tasks.
3. Challenging yourself beyond your comfort zone,
4. Public speaking etc.
For some it is the fear of making mistakes but for others the fear of failing amongst others.
One very important thing that is needful is that the fact that you feel anxious is in fact Great!!! Did i say great? no it is beyond that, Fantastic!!!. It means you are anxious to succeed.

Your mind is analyzing situations and informing you the need to change, tactics. Fortunately and unfortunately, its method of informing you to succeed is so not comfortable. The best method to tackle this uncomfortable feeling is to logically strategize objectively and identify how to solve the persisting problem and implement it.

What steps can be taken to solve this challenge?( biased towards Bertelsmann Data Science Challenge Scholarship Course )
1.Determining your goals and work backwards
What is the main goal you want to achieve? Break the main goal to sub-goals with metrics. For example:
i. Main goal could be :
Complete the Bertelsmann Data Science Challenge Scholarship Course
ii. Sub-goal could be
Complete the Bertelsmann Data Science Challenge Scholarship Course in a month(assumption).
Complete a lesson every day.
2.Identify the possible barriers or problems to achieving the course
i.Inconsistency in achieving goals daily.
ii.Distractions from friends.
iii. Tired from work , etc
How to overcome Possible barriers:
i. Set aside consistently particular time and number of hours to learn every day.
ii. Having accountability partners(They could be the same friends who have a likelihood of distracting you). This helps in consistency.
iii. Learning in team. Back in school i realized it was so fun and easy to learn in a group than individually. You barely notice how tired you are the experience is fun and it is easy to retain what has been discussed.
Most importantly remember that you have it within you to overcome any challenge.
Have fun learning!!!